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NZ Depression Message Board

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NZ Depression Message Board Empty NZ Depression Message Board

Post by Indigo Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:17 am

I have recently created a message board for New Zealand people where they can talk about their depression, anxiety, anything they'd like to get off of their chest.

I created it because one of my friends asked me if I knew of any message boards available for mental health in New Zealand - I didn't know so I scoured the internet looking for one. My search came up short with most message boards inactive.

I would love to create an online community where people can feel supported and not feel alienated - I want to let them know they aren't the only ones feeling this way.

I realize trying to help will take more than just creating a message board. I don't have enough information on mental illness, myself, but I think this would be an awesome stepping stone.

The link to my message board is:

Number of posts : 4
Location : Southland
Registration date : 2014-06-07

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