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TBBD – FAQ’s that aren’t actually asked all that Often * What is TBBD Message Board & Chat Room? ** It is a free to join and use, mental health peer support network, with no professional health advisors etc – it’s just Us, and we are Real. Real People. Survivors, hanging on for the better days, which will come. * Who can Use TBBD? ** Pretty much anyone in Aotearoa NZ or our country cousins over the Tasman in Australia provided ya do so safely and respect yourself and others here. I’d prefer for members to be at least 16 years of age, because in the main, we are adults here – either old farts like me, or mid to late teens and various ages in between. You don’t have to currently be on meds, or under ‘care’ or whatever. If you feel you can find benefits from participating here, do so with our Blessings. You might be a Partner, a caring friend, who ever. You might be in the workforce somewhere, or out of it – like me, for life (so THEY say). * Who started TBBD – When and Why etc? ** I did – Me. Paddy Quinn, a bloke with multiple disabilities, including mental illness. I’m just me, a bald, middle aged bloke living in a small town in the Rangitikei Region of Aotearoa NZ. TBBD was started by me on a ‘feeling’ that it, or something like it, had a place in the days of a few people. TBBD started here at Forumotion at about 10.20pm on August 16, 2008. I have two ‘log on’ Identities here – Admin (Paddy2) and Paddy2, which is me rather than me the Admin Grouch. * Why is TBBD based at Forumotion, a free Forum Host based in France? ** ‘Cos it was free to set up TBBD there and more or less, to keep it running. The only person that TBBD ever costs money is me. As long as I can continue to offer a ‘free’ site to members, I will. I ‘fund’ this place and what I do from within my weekly Invalids Benefit, so it’s unlikely to get much prettier for a while, lol. * How Do I Join and How Much Will it Cost Me? ** Last question first. I will never ask you for money for using or wanting to use, TBBD. It is part of my gift to a world that has helped me from time to time. ** Joining TBBD is as simple as using the free registration thingy, using something like a Hotmail email account rather than say, your very personal ISP-issued email addy if you’d prefer. Ya choose yaself a Membership Name (we try to keep t reasonably seemly, k?) and that’s about as hard as it gets. *Are our Email Addresses Safe Here. ** As safe as I can make them, mate. They are not rented out, shared or sold. I have, on four occasions since 16 August 2008 used email addresses and I.P. Addresses to assist emergency services locate the address of members in deep distress and whom I reasonably considered to be at imminent serious risk. I ain’t no health expert but I got it right those times anyway. Phew. *How do we remember such a long website address? **Ya don’t have to. Not overly memorable, is it? That’s why have I purchased and had setup, two NZ based Internet Domain Names as safe ‘redirects’ to our site here at Forumotion. They are: and (choice, eh? You can use either one.) * Kiwis Only At TBBD? ** Nope, we have some friends and members over the ditch in Aussie, but mainly our members are here in Aotearoa NZ – It makes a lotta sense, cos we all then know when bed time is in this half of the world. But TBBD is open and available for use 24/7, pretty much. * Safety, etc at TBBD? **Each of us here is always responsible for their own personal safety, both here on Board, in the Chat Room, or whatever. TBBD does NOT have health professionals on its staff. TBBD has no staff. TBBD exists in a little gap between me fridge and the couch. That’s our resources. Use our site, with our Blessing, but use it safely and remember that you may not be the only one feeling vulnerable right now. You won’t be, I promise. Remember, we are each vulnerable in our own ways, so show respect to others please and respond to them in the way you’d like to be responded to. Ta. * How do I contact Admin if I have a problem or further questions about TBBD? ** Email me: should get here. Nope, ya can’t telephone me, ‘cos I have a telephone phobia and unlisted numbers etc. Its one of my ways of protecting myself. Silly? Undoubtedly, but its my right, pffft. * Spamming? ** Yep, it happens sometimes on the Message Board. Usually from one country in particular, and if and when, I deal with it ‘cos it ain’t welcomed here. * Ya going to Put Any More Rarely Requested FAQ’s here? ** Yep, bound to – but not today. Watch this space – but um, don’t make a full time job of it, cos IT WON’T BE HAPPENING OVERNIGHT, LOL. Cheers, and um, thanks for asking. Paddy.